Panzhihua Iron Mine Midi Concentrator (3)

Midi beneficiation plant more than 10 years of production index has been relatively stable, the Panzhihua steel company to meet production requirements. The main problems still exist are:
1) Although the crushing particle size is less than 25mm, the grain size is more than 95%, but for a grinding process, it is still slightly thicker;
2) The processing capacity of the ¢3600×4000 grid type ball mill is about 10t/(unit.h) lower than the design index. The reason is as follows: First, the grade of raw ore is reduced, resulting in a decrease in the treatment volume. It is known from the test data that the lower the ore grade, the finer the grain size of the inlay, the harder it is, the harder it is to grind, see the table below, and the second is grinding. The classification efficiency is low and there is an "over-grinding" phenomenon.

The process indicators of the plant's iron selection are shown in the following table:

The unit consumption index of crushing and sieving and iron selection is shown in the following table:

The main equipment for crushing and sieving and iron selection, see the following table:

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