Shanghai boiler energy-saving benchmarking boiler transformation will be unified standard

The ten key energy-saving projects in Shanghai are progressing steadily. The city’s energy conservation service center disclosed on January 1 that Shanghai Volkswagen has built the first “energy-saving benchmark boiler room” in the city and erected a benchmark for the coal-fired boiler (kiln) renovation project of one of the ten key energy-saving projects in the city. ".

It is understood that during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, the transformation of coal-fired boilers (kilns) will bring energy savings to the city of 510,000 tons of standard coal. After years of replacing coal with oil and coal-to-gas clean energy, there are still more than 3,000 coal-fired boilers in the city. Most of these boilers have large capacity, high energy consumption, and many facilities are aging. Large and small more than 3,000 boilers how to transform? There is no need for a unified standard.

The "benchmark" was selected from five 35-ton/hr boilers in the Volkswagen plant. In January 2000, these 5 boilers were formally put into operation. No safety accident occurred in 8 years and they were rated as the top ten model boilers in the city. In the past two years, Volkswagen’s annual production has increased by 22% and 33% respectively. The boiler room staff has established management systems such as “four accounts and ten records” to increase boiler energy efficiency, ensure boiler heating, and reduce energy consumption year by year.

In addition to the "benchmark" boiler room of the Volkswagen 3 plant, there are also a boiler room in each of the other four large plant areas. In the past, the five boiler houses were self-contained and their operating efficiency was low, resulting in a 90% difference in peak air temperature between summer and winter. Since 2006, Volkswagen has reorganized the steam pipelines in the five major plant sites. With the decommissioning of six boilers, the company has ensured the heating of the entire plant and achieved annual coal saving of 5,000 tons, water saving of 96,400 tons, and electricity saving of 173,600 tons. Kilowatt hours. They also recycle steam condensate, saving 3,370 tons of coal and saving nearly 180,000 tons of water every year. SAIC said that at present, SAIC Motor has organized 103 coal-fired boilers to participate in the establishment of "energy-saving benchmarking boilers" and strive to make one-half of the boilers become superior boilers within two years.

It is reported that the relevant departments of this Municipality will continue to select the "benchmarks" of energy-saving boilers with different capacities, and determine the systematic standards for the technical transformation of boiler energy-saving in the city.

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