China Southern Power Grid successfully developed the world's first UHV flexible DC valve

[China Instrument Network Instrument Development] Recently, China Southern Power Grid Corporation successfully developed the world's first UHV flexible DC valve. This is the result of China National Grid’s National Key R&D Project “Key Technology Research and Engineering Demonstration Application of High Voltage, High Capacity and Flexible HVDC Transmission”.

Converter valve is the heart of flexible DC transmission, and it is the bridge between DC and AC. It has the highest technical content and the greatest challenge in the flexible DC main equipment.
The successful development of this ultra-high voltage flexible DC converter valve means that China Southern Power Grid has extended its flexible DC technology to ±800 kV for the first time in the world, and its transmission capacity has been increased to 5 million kilowatts, which is ±800 for flexible DC technology. Kvu Wudongde provides a solid guarantee for the implementation of the Guangdong DC project and the subsequent implementation of the UHV DC transmission project.
The project realized a power module with integrated switching and capacitive components, and built a large 800-kilovolt valve tower with a “building block” approach. It is 15 meters high, 9 meters long, and 7 meters wide, and weighs about 70 tons. The weight of a C919 large passenger aircraft.
According to reports, 72 such large-scale valve towers are required for the Wudongde DC project. Since the project was opened in September last year, the theory and method of UHV flexible DC have been put forward. The feasibility and demonstration of flexible DC in Udongde DC project have been demonstrated. The first time in the world, a hybrid DC physical test was conducted. Demonstration project feasibility studies and special studies provide technical support in the early stage of the demonstration project, which will play a supporting role in the next step of the project.
(Original title: South Network successfully developed the world's first UHV flexible DC valve)

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